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Self-Compassion Break; A simple way to nurture ourselves in everyday life


Before beginning this meditation consider at the heart level your motivation for engaging in this practice. Perhaps for example; “I hope to cultivate kindness and compassion towards myself, which will allow me to extend the same to others.”

(try to recognise the benefits of setting a positive motivation)

Gently begin

Find a quiet space, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and begin a cycle of deep slow breathing…


Step 1

Place your hand on your heart, and feel the warmth of your touch, gently begin to connect with yourself, with a sense of love and acceptance…


Step 2

As you exhale, allow any self-critical thoughts, or judgments you may be carrying to simply flow out of your being, leaving you with a sense of relief and spaciousness…


Step 3

As you inhale, allow your heart to open and emanate unconditional love and tenderness for yourself…


Step 4

Softly maintain this cycle, of tenderness, warmth, and love for yourself, allow this sense of acceptance and self-appreciation to permeate your being.



With a renewed feeling of self-value and love, when you are ready, gently open your eyes, and continue with your day.

Peaceful Minds

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