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Mindful Self-Compassion


Before beginning this meditation consider at the heart level your motivation for engaging in this practice. For example; “I am engaging in this meditation because I wish to cultivate the habit of holding myself with unwavering love, patience, tenderness and kindness”

(try to recognise the benefits of setting a positive motivation)

Gently begin

Find a quiet space, make yourself comfortable, allow your eyes to be either closed or slightly open, and begin a cycle of deep slow breathing, through your nostrils…

As your breathing settles into its own natural rhythm allow any tension you may be holding to dissipate as you gently relax your body, and cultivate a mind that has the qualities of being limpid and present.


Step 1

Identify one of the wholesome mental factors that accompany the mind of self-compassion, such as self-patience, tenderness, gentleness, self-acceptance or self-awareness, for example.


Step 2

Taking this factor as your subject, investigate, and determine the personal benefits of cultivating and manifesting such a mind, its function and qualities, in the context of self-compassion.

For example; 

‘Self-patience’ is beneficial in respect to cultivating the mind of self-compassion because it serves as a powerful antidote to the inner self-critical dialogue which I direct towards myself.​​  

‘A gentle inner voice’ is beneficial in respect to cultivating the mind of self-compassion because it helps foster an attitude of self-love, warmth and affinity with myself.


Step 3

Bring to mind an activity, that you found emotionally challenging, and tiring.


Would have manifesting this particular mental factor related to self-compassion have changed your experience?

If so, how?


Step 4

From your heart allow any wholesome life-enhancing feelings, emoticons, insights or conclusions which you may have cultivated manifest, and focus your mind single pointedly upon them.



With clarity of mind conclude to manifest these particular positive factors and any of the associated wholesome thoughts prior to and whilst engaging in similar emotionally challenging activities and situations.

When you feel ready, peacefully continue with your day with a newfound sense of self-worth and wisdom.

Peaceful Minds

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