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Introductory Mindfulness of the Body and Breath script


Before beginning this mindfulness exercise consider at the heart level your motivation for engaging in this practice. Perhaps for example; “I wish to take care of myself and find ways to ease any mental or physical tension that may arise. My goal is to feel more grounded, relaxed and peaceful.”

(try to recognise the benefits of setting a positive motivation)

Gently begin

Take a moment to adjust your body so that you are sitting or lying comfortably.

Bring your lips together, and allow your eyes to close or remain slightly open and relaxed.

Gently take three long, deep full breaths, in and out through your nostrils, relaxing your diaphragm, allowing the breath to fill your lower abdomen before gently exhaling back through your nostrils.

As your breathing settles into its own natural rhythm, gently become aware of the full path of the breath, as it enters your nostrils, passes down through your torso, inflating your belly before rising up through your torso, and exiting your nostrils, simultaneously with the deflation of your belly. 

(pause, maintain an awareness of this cycle of breathing)

Step 1

As your mind becomes peaceful, gently re-direct your awareness to the crown of your head and allow your awareness to slowly descend over your eyes, cheeks and mouth, upon identifying any tension, gently pause and tenderly release that tension in synchrony with the outflow of your breath.


Step 2

Allow your awareness to descend over your neck, shoulders and arms, down to your fingertips. Upon identifying any tension, pause and tenderly release that tension in synchrony with the outflow of your breath.


Step 3

Allow your awareness to descend over and through your torso, pelvis, legs and feet, down to the tips of your toes. Upon identifying any tension, pause and tenderly release that tension in synchrony with the outflow of your breath.

(pause, mindfully continue with the practice or repeat the cycle, either is fine)

Step 4

Bring your awareness back fully to the sensation of the breath entering and exiting your nostrils. As you exhale allow any remaining tension either physical or mental to dissipate in synchrony with the outflow of your breath.



Take a moment to acknowledge the sense of well-being that you have nurtured for yourself. With a renewed sense of peace, carry on with your day.…

Peaceful Minds

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