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What do I really want – Introductory guided analytical meditation script 

What do I want

Gently begin this analytical meditation by taking a few moments to adjust your body so that you are sitting comfortably…

Sitting on a chair, place your feet flat on the floor, sitting on a cushion, cross your legs and gently straighten your back…

With your eyes slightly open and relaxed, direct your gaze over the tip of your nose towards the floor, without focusing on anything in particular.

Gently, place your hands comfortably on either your thighs or place them in your lap, and turn your attention inwardly, bringing all your mental and all your physical energy to the right here and now…

With lips together, breathe naturally through your nostrils, neither forcing the breath nor allowing it to be uncontrolled.

Pause, and maintain an awareness of your breath for the next minute in order to cool down the mind.


Entering the phase of analysis, begin by initially asking yourself the question

“Beneath all the external influences of my friends, family, and society, what is it that I really want?”

Pause, reflect on the question and bring to mind your answer.

Secondly, with a corner of your mind hold your answer and ask yourself the question

“Why do I want this?”

Pause, using critical analysis investigate why do I want this particular thing, event, or situation to manifest in my life and bring to mind your answer.

Thirdly with a corner of your mind again hold your answer and ask yourself the question 

“If I attain this particular thing, or this particular event, situation manifests, will it make me truly happy?”

Pause, apply critical analysis and check..When you are satisfied with your answer stay single-pointedly focused on it any feelings which may have arisen.


Drawing the session to an end, very gently allow your mind to become aware of the sensations in the body, allow your gaze to open, mentally relax and take a moment to reflect upon and digest any insights which you have cultivated.

Peaceful Minds

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