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Introductory Focus Meditation script 

Phase 1: Posture

Begin this introductory focus meditation practice by taking a moment to adjust your body so that you are sitting comfortably.

Place your feet on the floor, relax your eyes not fully closing them and direct your gaze towards the floor, a meter or so in front of your feet, not focusing on anything in particular.

Gently straighten your back, place your hand’s palms facing down on your thighs, and turn your mind inwardly, bringing all your mental and physical energy to the right here and now, your mind free from thoughts of the past and free from thoughts of the future.

Bring your lips together, and gently take three deep full breaths, in through your nostrils, relaxing your diaphragm, allowing your breath to fill your lower abdomen before exhaling out through your nostrils.

Gently allow your breathing to settle into its own natural rhythm, and your mind to become aware of the sensation of the breath entering and exiting your nostrils.

Phase 2: Identification and Commitment

Maintaining one’s posture, and awareness of the breath, mentally familiarise yourself with the following points; 

1; Identify the qualities of the mind to be cultivated.

Stability; a mind that stays with its object of focus, free from mental wandering.

Clarity; a mind that is bright, sharp, and free from mental sinking. 

2; Identify the object of focus.

The object of focus; The precise point where the breath enters and exits the nostrils.

3; Identifying mental tools to be employed to achieve those qualities of mind.

Attention [with effort]; functions like a laser precisely directing, engaging and holding the mind to the object of focus.

Mindfulness; has the function of non-distraction, supporting a continuity of contact between the mind and its object of focus.

Motivation; Wholeheartedly I engage in this practice, not just for my own benefit, but rather so that I’m able to cultivate qualities which will enable me to help others.

4; Identify and Commit to a duration of focus.

Identify the duration of focus; for the next eight minutes, I will strive to cultivate concentration, by focusing solely on my chosen object of focus.

Commitment; there are many things which I would like to think about and many things which I need to think about, but for the next eight minutes, I’m totally committed to focusing on my chosen object of focus alone.

Gently enter the actual phase of cultivating concentration;

Phase 3: Cultivating Concentration 

Re-identify the object of focus.

 Employ the mental factor of attention, to precisely direct, engage and hold the mind to the object of focus.

Maintain attention, by gradually applying mental effort.

Now employ the mental factor of mindfulness, to support non-distraction, sustaining a continuity of contact between the mind and its object of focus for the remainder of the concentration phase.

When mindfulness reminds you that your awareness has wandered from its object of focus, re-employ attention, directing, engaging and holding the object of focus, and apply mindfulness as before, in order to not forget the object of focus.

Continue this process for the remainder of the concentration phase.

Post concentration phase

Concluding the eight minutes of concentration, gently reduce the force of attention and mindfulness.

Gently open your gaze becoming aware of your body and surroundings.

Now take a moment and allow yourself to rest in the peace of mind that you have cultivated, and maintaining this sense of calmness, and tranquillity re-engage with the activities of your day.

Peaceful Minds

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