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Mindfulness of the Body and Breath

Audio - 8 mins

Introductory mindfulness of the body and breath practice

Living in today’s fast-paced society, we can often find ourselves experiencing mental stress, anxiety and a whole host of destructive emotional states. When afflictive emotions are manifest, put simply they take away the peaceful aspect from our mind, often leading to physical tension and mental exhaustion.

Mindfulness of the body and breath exercises are simple yet effective methods to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and increase our overall sense of wellbeing. 

The exercises begin by generating the motivation to be kind to ourselves. Ideally, we find a quiet space and we can be either sitting or lying down comfortably. However this type of mindfulness exercise can also be practised in many situations for instance, whilst we are at work, or commuting.

By bringing our focus to the present moment and the physical sensations which we are experiencing we can let go of worries regarding the past or future. 

By taking just a few minutes each day to connect with your body and breath, it is possible to cultivate a peaceful mind and body that is relaxed, a state which can be maintained throughout your daily life.

Try it !  Making yourself comfortable, let’s try a 4 minute introductory mindfulness of the body and breath practice

Mindfulness of the Body and Breath

Audio - 8 mins

Peaceful Minds

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