Compassionate leadership training

Fulfilling the human potential

Transform your business and empower your leaders to fulfil their potential with Peaceful Minds Compassionate Leadership courses. In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of inner qualities such as mindfulness, empathy, patience and compassion in shaping effective leaders and cohesive teams. By engaging in our unique workshops and courses, you can unlock the power of compassionate leadership, and develop the human potential within your business.


About our compassionate leadership training

Employing critical thinking, and valid reasoning supported by individual experience, our programs are designed to help leaders cultivate inner qualities that drive personal growth, and team success, reduce stress and build a thriving environment.

Partnering with Peaceful Minds, leaders gain a deeper understanding of the personal benefits of being a compassionate leader, as well as the positive impact it has on others, their team and the overall success of their business.

Training formats

We offer a range of course formats to accommodate individual business requirements. Peaceful Minds provide, Online Live, In-Person, Modular, or Bespoke courses, each designed to deepen the participant’s understanding of compassionate leadership and it’s far-reaching impact.

Live online

Our live online compassionate leadership training courses offer a convenient and interactive learning experience accessible from anywhere in the world. Participants can engage in live sessions, group discussions, and interactive activities through a user-friendly online platform, allowing for real-time interaction and knowledge sharing.


Our in-person compassionate leadership training courses provide a dynamic and immersive learning environment where participants can engage in face-to-face interactions with trainers and fellow participants. This format allows for a more personalised learning experience and fosters meaningful connections and discussions. Hosted in-house or at a convenient venue.

How our courses are built


Our modular compassionate leadership training courses are designed to accommodate busy schedules and individual learning preferences. Subjects are divided into smaller modules or units that can be completed at your own pace. This flexible format allows you to learn and apply compassionate leadership principles in a way that suits your specific needs and availability.


Our bespoke compassionate leadership training courses are tailored specifically to meet the unique needs and requirements of your organisation and individual employees.

Course details

1 day introductory compassionate leadership training

Designed to inspire leaders to develop their potential by providing participants with a fundamental understanding of what compassionate leadership entails, and its benefits for individuals, teams, and businesses.

  1. Dependent relationship between the team and the team members
  2. The Leadership Effect; Influencing team dynamics and Beyond
  3. Leading with Compassion; What is not it
  4. Leading with Commpasion; What is it
  5. Leading with Compassion; Bottom line
  6. Compassion in the Workplace; Pros and Cons
  7. Leading with Compassion; The role of Mindfulness
  8. Leading with Compassion; Where to Start

2 day compassionate leadership training

A comprehensive and thought-provoking programme that delves deeper into the core principles of compassionate leadership. Designed to inspire and guide leaders to engage in compassionate leadership, based on logic, self-reflection, and contemplative exercises. As part of the course, participants are also guided in practical methods of developing mindfulness, self-compassion, empathy, and compassion.

  1. Dependent relationship between the team and the team members
  2. The Leadership Effect; Influencing team dynamics and Beyond
  3. Leading with Compassion; What is not it
  4. Leading with Compassion; What is it
  5. Leading with Compassion; Bottom line
  6. Compassion in the Workplace; Pros and Cons
  7. Leading with Compassion; The role of Mindfulness
  8. Leading with Compassion; Where to Start
  9. Professional Success vs Personal Happiness
  10. Self-compassion; Work-life balance

3 day inner professional leadership training course

The Three Day Inner Professional Leadership Training (IPLT) course is a transformative journey that empowers participants through the integration of compassionate leadership principles into their daily activities, transcending mere intellectual comprehension.

Throughout the IPLT training, leaders develop the ability to recognise negative tendencies and triggers that hinder progress and to identify and implement effective remedial actions, while cultivating positive habits that become second nature. Furthermore, participants learn to express their thoughts and emotions with clarity and effectiveness.

Undoubtedly, leaders who embrace the IPLT program become agents of positive change, developing their own potential, inspiring and influencing their colleagues and leaving an indelible mark on the business.

  1. Identifying and setting positive goals
  2. Embracing responsibility
  3. Communication
  4. Effective listening
  5. Ethics
  6. Patience
  7. Recognising triggers
  8. Applying effective methods to counter unwholesome minds and actions
  9. Recognising and articulating one’s behaviour
  10. Long game

About the facilitator

Picture of Paul Seagrave

Paul Seagrave

Paul brings over twenty years of management experience, overseeing production and sales operations, with extensive monastic studies and practices. This unique blend of experiences enables Paul to assist organizations in unlocking the full potential of their most valuable resource—their leaders and teams.

What our participants say

Read testimonials from satisfied participants who have benefited from our Compassionate Leadership Training.

Felt great after the training and very refreshed
Fitness Manager @ Decathlon

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Unlock the power of compassionate leadership for your business. Sign up now and begin your team’s journey towards becoming compassionate leaders today.

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